Bose has unveiled the latest wireless headset, the Bose Sleepbuds, which is one of the smart wireless speakers that has many features and improvements that make it the best in the world of modern wireless headphones 2020 2021.
– The new Bose Sleepbuds:
The second-generation headphone is in the Bose Buds series, and this generation carries a lot of comfort and pleasure for its users, as you will be able to get rid of the noise of the crowded city, and from the lack of sleep and insomnia that may affect you all this and more, you will get rid of it with the Bose Sleepbuds, which is among the best headphones Wireless 2021.
The new headphone carries many of the features and specifications that make it the strongest in the field of wireless headphones, which has become more active and interested in recent times, which opened the field of competition among the major international companies, including Huawei, which entered this market by launching the latest wireless headset HUAWEI FreeBuds Pro (Huawei FreeBuds Pro), however, here are the (Boss Sleeppods) specifications.
– Specifications and features of Bose Sleepbuds:
The new headphone from the company (Bose) is among the latest Bluetooth headphones, which is a wireless headphone for sleeping, which the company has been keen to provide a lot of special features as it was designed so that people can sleep quickly and deeply, and here is a review of the Bose Wireless Sleepbuds (Bose Wireless Sleep) Buds) as follows:
- The core of the new wireless headphone from Buds is a modern and elegant design, taking into account the lightness and fit with the ear, as it is characterized as a very light headphone (2 grams per earphone) and very comfortable for the ear due to the streamlined design that fits with people’s ears with its difference, it is among the best Types of designs for wireless headphones.
- Sleepbuds 2 comes with a very important feature, especially for residents who live in crowded cities, as it has provided properties to prevent noise and reduce its reach to the ear and thus aid in deep sleep, it is basically intended for sleep and nothing else.
- The headset in Sleepbuds does not have any noise isolation technology, but the available is suppression or coverage of the sound in order to isolate the noise through the Noise Mask technology. The headphone gives a sound during listening that is commensurate with the external sound heard and thus isolating it from reaching Your ears.
- The headset is especially intended for people who live in large cities such as New York, and cities like Cairo in Egypt, or China, or other cities in the world who need relief from the city noise and help them sleep.
- It cannot be used to make incoming calls from a smartphone, as it is not possible to link it and sync it with a mobile device, as we said, the speaker is designed primarily for those who want to sleep and want to get rid of city noise completely and comfortably.
- It is very easy to activate the Passive Noise feature, which allows you to hear from people around you, a unique feature that you may not find in any other wireless headset.
- The strange thing is that it is not possible to use the music and audio streaming services, the most prominent of which are Spotify, SoundCloud, and also Podcast, which is one of the most popular audio broadcast services.
- The new headphone supports uploading files through the Bose Sleep application that is already available, so it is possible to choose tracks or music directly through this application.
– The new headphone battery
One of the important things when talking about wireless headphones is touching on the battery that the headset works on, as the Bose Sleepbuds allow you between 15 – 16 hours to work continuously in each of the two headsets, and it takes 7 continuous hours to recharge the headphones again Through the case available in the headphone box when purchased, while the case, charging case or storage box made of aluminum needs 3 hours in order for us to be able to fully charge it for use in the following times.
You can also recharge the battery and the headphone case again through a dedicated charger that you find in the box of the type USB, which is a powerful charger with a high megawatt number and its charging performance is high.
– Bose Sleep App
And to control the settings, services, and many functions on the speaker, the Bose Sleep App was provided, through which you can adjust, change and reset the speaker settings, not to mention controlling the volume and pitch, and changing audio tracks.
You can specify and set the settings for the alerts and notifications that you receive directly on the speaker, which only you can listen to thanks to the silicone fillings layer surrounding the headphones from the outside, which prevents any external sound from coming out or emitting.
– Headphone pads
It is worth noting that the Bose Sleepbuds have three cushions in order to facilitate their fit and compatibility with the ear of the person who wants to use and buy them, as the headphone contains three sizes (as shown in the picture below) in order to choose the most suitable and best for the entrance to the ear and to correspond with the upper part From your ears.
– Bose Sleepbuds Price:
The new headphone from Bose has already launched in a number of countries of the world, and the pre-order for the Bose Sleepbuds has been opened in both the United States of America and Europe as it shipped later on to a number of other countries very soon.
The Bose Sleepbuds will be available at a price of $ 249.95 USD, or approximately USD 250, and is available through the company’s official online store.